Schedule Number
Primary Title
Board of Governors
Office of Primary Responsibility
UBC Board of Governors Secretariat; Office of the University Counsel (BoG Policies)
Reference and duplicate copies of records are considered transitory and should only be kept as long as necessary and never longer than the retention of the official record. |
The British Columbia University Act confers on the UBC Board of Governors responsibility for the management, administration and control of the property, revenue, business and affairs of the University. Records include those relating to administrative direction for the University by the UBC Board of Governors.
Vital: Yes
BoG Policy GA2: Regulatory Framework Policy
BoG Policy GA8: Board Meetings Policy
BoG Policy GA5: Archives
University Act (RSBC 1996) Chapter 468, 2.27
Date Approved: 20220906
Retention Schedule Secondaries
Secondary No. | Secondary Title, Scope & Content | Retention, Destruction & Disposition |
01 |
Policies and Procedures Final versions of Board policies and related procedures, exclusive of drafts or other source documents. Articulates how and the principles by which the BoG office shall operate. |
EV+5Y, FR EV=Date superseded or obsolete FR=UA will fully retain records from this series |
05 |
General |
EV+5Y, D EV=Date superseded or obsolete |
20 |
Committees Records of Board standing and ad hoc committees. |
CY+5Y, FR FR=UA will fully retain records from this series |
Signing Authority & Resolutions |
CY+5Y, FR FR=UA will fully retain records from this series |
30 |
Correspondence General correspondence and public letters/announcements. Classification applies irrespective of format, and includes email. Role-based email addresses are in scope. |
CY+5Y, FR FR=UA will fully retain records from this series |
Assessment and Evaluation Review of key personnel responsibilities, committee mandates, effectiveness and adherence to best practices. |
CY+5Y, SR SR=UA will selectively retain records from this series |
45 |
Issues Records relating to important topics brought forward for debate or discussion. |
CY+5Y, SR SR=UA will selectively retain records from this series |
60 |
Reports Reports produced by or for the Board, including reports produced for Board meetings. |
CY+5Y, FR FR=UA will fully retain records from this series |
Official Proceedings (BoG) Official Board of Governors’ meeting packages, including documentation for open and closed parts of meetings. These are the official records, and should be managed as such irrespective of the posting of public minutes on the BOG or other UBC website. |
CY+5Y, FR FR=UA will fully retain records from this series |
Acronym Key: AY = Academic Year; CY = Calendar Year; D = Destroy; EV = Event; FY = Fiscal Year; FR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted; OPR = Office or Department responsible for source of truth records; SO = when superseded or obsolete; SR = Selective Retention by University Archives; UA = University Archives; Y = Year