Archival records

The following guidelines concern records that may be Archival in nature. Many records have legislated retention periods and all records should be destroyed in accordance with University Records Schedules. Please consult the Archives if you are unsure of retention periods.

Records selected for archival retention by the University will detail the origins, the structure, the curriculum, and decision-making at UBC. In some cases the record may be a single document; such as an organizational chart for a certain year. In other cases, the record may be a collection of records relating to a subject such as a search or a project. Finally, an archival record may be a summary of a series of records, such as a yearly Financial Statement or a final report from a hiring committee.


Records which detail the origins and growth of the University, a Faculty, a Department, or a Unit are essential historic records and must be preserved.

Examples of such records are formal documents such as letters patent, contracts and agreements. In many cases there is a formal ceremony or public announcements related to the origin of the unit and the resultant invitations, correspondence and photographs may hold archival value as well.

  • Incorporation papers
  • Deeds, leases
  • Contracts/Legal agreements
  • Planning and development records (campus maps, drawings, plans, etc)


Records which detail how the university or its units are organized or managed as well as any administrative or organizational changes over time are essential historic records as well.

Policies and Planning, including records of Board of Governors and Senate decisions, are essential records of decision-makingand need to be retained.Record types can include organization charts, executive committee minutes and related policy and planning records, annual reports and special projects.

  • organization charts
  • reviews and audits
  • materials for special events such as conferences your department organized or lecture series, fund raisers, anniversary celebrations
  • Minutes of major decision making committees
  • Policy and procedure manuals
  • Correspondence by directors, chairs and other principle staff members on important decisions or events.
  • Reports such as annual reports, project reports and studies


Financial records may be archival in nature, provided they are records of summary such as Yearly Financial Statements, General Ledger, or other summary reports.

  • Annual financial statements
  • Annual/General Ledger