CC1550: Campus and Community Planning – Community and Infrastructure Planning

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Schedule Number


Primary Title

Community and Infrastructure Planning

Office of Primary Responsibility

UBCV:  Campus & Community Planning; Treasury 

UBCO:  Campus Planning 


Records associated with the inventory, planning and development of the UBC Campus and community. See below for more details. 

  • For records detailing Facilities see PF5100: Properties and Facilities Management – Facilities 

Vital: Yes


Authority: BoG Policy UP12: Land Use Policy

Date Approved: 20220729

Retention Schedule Secondaries

Secondary No. Secondary Title, Scope & Content Retention, Destruction & Disposition


Policies and Procedures  

Includes logos and templates. 

EV+5Y, FR    

EV=Date superseded or obsolete   

FR=UA will fully retain records from this series  



CY+5Y, D   


Planning General 

Records regarding development planning and activities required prior to disposition or lease of UBC owned land, such as project schedules, maps, photographs, copies of consultant proposals, forecasts, plans and servicing costs.  Also includes planning for subsidized housing projects. 

EV+3Y, SR 

EV=Date UBC no longer owns the land

SR=UA will selectively retain records of lands owned by UBC 



Includes address assignment, in new subdivisions and developments, such as plans showing boundaries, street and subdivision name, addressing reports, maps and photographs, copies of submissions and approvals.

CY+11Y, SR 

SR=UA will selectively retain records from this series


Adjacent Municipality Monitoring 

Records regarding monitoring of land development in adjacent municipalities, such as copies of plan applications. 

CY+5Y, SR 

SR=UA will selectively retain records from this series 


Block Profiles 

Records regarding block profiles of all areas throughout UBC, such as drawings, block profile books, aperture cards and original hard copy drawings. 

EV+0Y, FR 

EV=Date records are no longer required  

FR=UA will fully retain records  


Building Grades 

EV+0Y, FR 

EV=Date records are no longer required  

FR=UA will fully retain records  

Note: Building Grades from external sources can be destroyed 2 years after no longer required 












Records regarding UBC owned land, commercial, industrial, residential, or farmland, to be developed, serviced and sold or leased, such as design and planning information, joint ventures, marketing, copies of contract & tenders, development agreements, specifications and drawings, outline plans, activity reports, proposals, preliminary evaluation, activity reports and meetings.  Also includes CCP and OCP, land use redesignation, road closure plans, concept plans, policy discussion reports etc. 

EV+3Y, SR 

EV=Development finalized or development not proceeding or land sold 

SR=UA will selectively retain records of lands owned by UBC 


Geographical Information (GIS, Spatial) 

Records regarding geographical data, such as spatial information and data about UBC including roads, parks, and above and below ground infrastructure information. Also includes GIS information. 

EV+0Y, FR 

EV=Date records are no longer required  

FR=UA will fully retain records  


Heritage Sites 

Records regarding the development, implementation and administration of the Heritage Program, such as program guidelines, goals and objectives, background information, forms and program requirements.  Also includes information on other heritage programs in BC as well as site information. 

EV+0Y, FR 

EV=Date records are no longer required  

FR=UA will fully retain records  




Records regarding UBC owned land and parks inventory, such as land title, evaluation to determine best use, assessment information and evaluation for sale or lease purposes. 

EV+3Y, SR 

EV=Date UBC no longer owns the land

SR=UA will selectively retain records of lands owned by UBC  


Land Titles 

Records regarding land/site registered ownership, such as aperture cards showing breakdown of new subdivisions and copies of land titles received from the land titles office. 

EV+0Y, D 

EV=Date records are no longer required  


Legal Survey 

Includes control monuments, boundary determination, survey, investigation, and calibration and compliance stamp as well as the digital area survey (AutoCad & Microstation line drawings). 

EV+0Y, SR 

EV=Date records are no longer required 

SR= UA will retain records regarding legal ownership boundaries, such as boundary determination, survey and investigation. The remainder can be destroyed when no longer required 


Line Assignments 

Records regarding request and approval of planned line placements for shallow utilities, bore holes, shoring and tree planting, such as drawings showing line assignments, line information including location, depth etc., site photographs, approval and related correspondence.

EV+0Y, FR 

EV=Date records are no longer required  

FR=UA will fully retain records 


Land Use Planning General 

CY+5Y, SR 

SR=UA will selectively retain summary and strategy information from this series


Land Use Planning – Statutory & Non-Statutory 

Includes statutory area planning area Redevelopment Plans, Area Structure Plans, Area Improvement Plans, Area Management Plans and incentives, studies and surveys for specific areas in UBC. Also includes background and supporting data  

Non-Statutory includes Business Revitalization Zones, local economic incentives and issues, strategic planning and advertising information.  Also includes boundaries, levies, parking, terms of reference, public improvements and dedications. Also includes records regarding UBC community growth strategies, such as short and long term growth management strategies, policy reviews, workshops and studies. Also includes growth management forecasting and plans. 

EV+0Y, FR 

EV=Date records are no longer required  

FR=UA will fully retain records 


Long-Range Planning 

CY+5Y, SR 

SR=UA will selectively retain summary and strategy information from this series 



CY+5Y, D 


New Development and Subdivision Planning and Monitoring 

Records regarding preliminary and registered subdivision plans;  

Also includes monitoring of the management and operation of the infrastructure facilities in new subdivisions through the 2 year maintenance period post issuance of the Completion Certificate and prior to the issuance of the Acceptance Certificate and UBC’s assumption of the management and operation of the facilities. 

EV+2Y, SR 

EV=Date handover is complete 

SR=UA will selectively retain records from this series 


Sustainability Initiatives

CY+5Y, SR 

SR=UA will selectively retain summary and strategy information from this series 


Transportation Planning 

CY+5Y, SR 

SR=UA will selectively retain summary and strategy information from this series 



CY+5Y, FR 

FR=UA will fully retain records  

Acronym Key: AY = Academic Year; CY = Calendar Year; D = Destroy; EV = Event; FY = Fiscal Year; FR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted; OPR = Office or Department responsible for source of truth records; SO = when superseded or obsolete; SR = Selective Retention by University Archives; UA = University Archives; Y = Year