CE2000: Ceremonies, Events, and Conferences

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Schedule Number


Primary Title

Ceremonies, Events, and Conferences

Office of Primary Responsibility

UBCV: Ceremonies and Events Office; UBC Press; Conferences and Accommodation; other departments and units with important events 

UBCO: Ceremonies and Events Office; other departments and units with important events 

Reference and duplicate copies of records are considered transitory and should only be kept as long as necessary and never longer than the retention of the official record.


Records supporting ceremonies, events and conferences at the university, including formal university-wide events such as Graduation and Remembrance Day, building opening events, employee recognition celebrations as well as student, staff and faulty award receptions. The primary also includes installations of the President and Chancellor as well as other events that individual units might conduct such as a 25th anniversary of a department or any other formal event. 

  • For donor and alumni engagement see UD7600: University Development – Donor & Alumni Engagement 

Vital: Yes



BoG Policy GA5: Archives Policy 

University Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 468  

Date Approved: 20220729

Retention Schedule Secondaries

Secondary No. Secondary Title, Scope & Content Retention, DD = Destroyestruction & DD = Destroyisposition

Secondary No.


Secondary Title, Scope & Content

Policies and Procedures  

Retention, DD = Destroyestruction & DD = Destroyisposition

EVEV = Event+5Y, FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted    

EVEV = Event=DD = Destroyate superseded or obsolete   

FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted=UAUA = University Archives will fully retain records from this series  

Secondary No.


Secondary Title, Scope & Content


Retention, DD = Destroyestruction & DD = Destroyisposition

CYCY = Calendar Year+5Y, DD = Destroy  

EVEV = Event=DD = Destroyate superseded or obsolete   

Secondary No.


Secondary Title, Scope & Content

Breakfast With the President 

Retention, DD = Destroyestruction & DD = Destroyisposition

CYCY = Calendar Year+5Y, FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted 

FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted=UAUA = University Archives will fully retain this series 

Secondary No.


Secondary Title, Scope & Content

Conference Management 

Retention, DD = Destroyestruction & DD = Destroyisposition

EVEV = Event+5Y, SRSR = Selective Retention by University Archives 

EVEV = Event=DD = Destroyate of conference 

SRSR = Selective Retention by University Archives=UAUA = University Archives will selectively retain records from this series 

Secondary No.


Secondary Title, Scope & Content

Employee Recognition Events  

25 Year Club, Welcome Back Staff BBQ.

Retention, DD = Destroyestruction & DD = Destroyisposition

CYCY = Calendar Year+5Y, FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted 

FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted=UAUA = University Archives will fully retain this series 

Secondary No.


Secondary Title, Scope & Content

Flag Lowering 

Retention, DD = Destroyestruction & DD = Destroyisposition

CYCY = Calendar Year+5Y, FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted 

FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted=UAUA = University Archives will fully retain this series 

Secondary No.


Secondary Title, Scope & Content

Formal University-Wide Events 

Includes Graduation and Remembrance Day Ceremony. 

Retention, DD = Destroyestruction & DD = Destroyisposition

CYCY = Calendar Year+5Y, FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted 

FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted=UAUA = University Archives will fully retain this series 

Secondary No.


Secondary Title, Scope & Content


Retention, DD = Destroyestruction & DD = Destroyisposition

CYCY = Calendar Year+5Y, SRSR = Selective Retention by University Archives 

Secondary No.


Secondary Title, Scope & Content

Other Receptions and Events 

Retention, DD = Destroyestruction & DD = Destroyisposition

CYCY = Calendar Year+5Y, SRSR = Selective Retention by University Archives 

SRSR = Selective Retention by University Archives=UAUA = University Archives will selectively retain this series 

Secondary No.


Secondary Title, Scope & Content

President and Chancellor Installations 

Retention, DD = Destroyestruction & DD = Destroyisposition

CYCY = Calendar Year+5Y, FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted 

FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted=UAUA = University Archives will fully retain this series 

Secondary No.


Secondary Title, Scope & Content


Retention, DD = Destroyestruction & DD = Destroyisposition

CYCY = Calendar Year+5Y, FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted 

FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted=UAUA = University Archives will fully retain this series 

Secondary No.


Secondary Title, Scope & Content

Student, Staff and Faculty Award Receptions 

Entrance Awards, Staff Recognitions and Faculty Award Receptions.

Retention, DD = Destroyestruction & DD = Destroyisposition

CYCY = Calendar Year+5Y, FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted 

FRFR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted=UAUA = University Archives will fully retain this series 

Secondary No.


Secondary Title, Scope & Content


Retention, DD = Destroyestruction & DD = Destroyisposition

CYCY = Calendar Year+5Y, DD = Destroy 

Secondary No.


Secondary Title, Scope & Content


Retention, DD = Destroyestruction & DD = Destroyisposition

CYCY = Calendar Year+5Y, SRSR = Selective Retention by University Archives 

SRSR = Selective Retention by University Archives=UAUA = University Archives will selectively retain records from this series 

Acronym Key: AY = Academic Year; CY = Calendar Year; D = Destroy; EV = Event; FY = Fiscal Year; FR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted; OPR = Office or Department responsible for source of truth records; SO = when superseded or obsolete; SR = Selective Retention by University Archives; UA = University Archives; Y = Year