Schedule Number
Primary Title
Human Resources
Office of Primary Responsibility
UBCV: Human Resources Vancouver; all units holding HR files
UBCO: Human Resources UBC Okanagan; all units holding HR files
Reference and duplicate copies of records are considered transitory and should only be kept as long as necessary and never longer than the retention of the official record. |
Records include applications and recruitment records, faculty and staff awards, job descriptions and job position reclassifications and appeal records. The series also includes Student Experience of Instruction SEI (course evaluation) as it pertains to the tenure and promotion process as well as personal files. See secondaries for more information.
- For staff relations see HR4050: Human Resources – Employee Relations
- For claims see HR4200: Human Resources – Workers’ Compensation
Note: Units holding human resource records should retain unique HR records according to this schedule only and destroy duplicates held centrally.
Note: As soon as paperwork has been uploaded and approved in Workday, destroy paper or digital referent.
Vital: Yes
PIB: Yes
BoG Policies for Human Resources
Employment Standards Act [RSBC 1996]
Pension Benefits Standards Act [SBC 2012] Chapter 30
Gov’t of Canada rules for hiring foreign academics
UBC Information Security Standard U1
UBC Digitization Standard
Date Approved: 20230315; 20240924
Retention Schedule Secondaries
Secondary No. | Secondary Title, Scope & Content | Retention, Destruction & Disposition |
01 |
Policies and Procedures |
EV+5Y, FR EV=Date superseded or obsolete FR=UA will fully retain records from this series |
05 |
General |
EV+5Y, D EV=Date superseded or obsolete |
Applications, Recruitment, and Competition See also -27 Hiring Paperwork. Note: The application file and the appointment letter of the successful candidate becomes part of the employment file, all other records follow this retention schedule. Note: Unsolicited applications do not need to be retained, and can be destroyed at discretion of unit. |
EV+1Y, D (staff positions) EV+2Y, D (faculty position, Canadians only) EV= Recruitment completion date EV+6Y, D (faculty positions, foreign academics) EV=Date work permit of successful candidate is issued |
Awards – Faculty and Staff |
EV+7Y, SR EV=At termination SR=Contact University Archives before destroying award/commendation records |
Benefits Management Includes staff and faculty housing, immigration and relocation services. |
EV+7Y, SR EV=Date staff or faculty’s relationship is terminated SR=UA will selectively retain final reports or other high-level documentation from Benefits Management |
Classification – Appeals and Reclassification |
EV+7Y, SR EV=At record creation SR=UA will selectively retain Historically significant records plans, cumulative history of positions, as well as reports and studies relating to the creation, transfer, or abolition of positions) |
Course Evaluations Note: Course evaluations, as they relate to Human Resources, are assessments of teaching. These assessments form one of the components of promotion and tenure (along with research, professional contributions, etc.) and as such are necessary for a full accounting of the merits of potential tenure. This record series contains raw data provided by students; processed evaluations are retained with employee file in accordance with Departmental Faculty/Staff Files. |
EV+10Y, D EV=Date process is complete |
Employee Disability Files Records relating to the administration of claims for long-term disability benefits. The files are used to document the initial claim, ongoing payment, and final settlement. Records include application forms, correspondence with claimees, physicians and insurance companies, claim service forms, resumes and appointment forms. Note: This retention period is in conformity with Sunlife retention periods as Sunlife retains records a minimum of seven (7) years “after closure”, but in reality much longer as “Imaged files do not have a delete date”. |
EV+7Y, D EV=Date incident is resolved |
Faculty/Staff Files (Personnel Files) Retention rational: These records are maintained for this length of time because information contained therein may be required at some future time (e.g., to provide information necessary to ascertain eligibility and coverage for benefit plans, such as insurance and pension plans). Note: CV’s are considered archival and should be transferred to the University Archives for permanent preservation. The records of faculty/staff members who are not enrolled in any of the University’s benefit plans (e.g., insurance, pension plans) should be retained for seven (7) years after the date of employment termination, and then records should be confidentially destroyed. This includes all forms of records. Non-central (those offices outside Central HR) offices should retain faculty/staff records for seven (7) years after the date of employment termination. An exception to this is records of award/exceptional achievement, such as for renowned faculty members, in which case the University Archives office should be contacted prior to record destruction. Prior to destruction of files, separate any records related to commendations and official recognition of exceptional performance, and contact University Archives to ensure appropriate retention of these records. |
EV+75Y, D (central HR) EV+7Y, D (offices) EV=At termination |
Health and Safety Incidents Records documenting occupational health and safety incidents. Records relate to injuries as well as manifestations of disease reported or treated – may include police accident reports. – See also ER2750: Enterprise Risk Management and Security – Health and Safety. |
CY+7Y, D |
Hiring Paperwork Records necessary for the hiring or appointment of staff: including contact and personal information, orientation records, benefit enrolment records, and related records. Records which form part of the permanent personnel file (employee contracts, offer letter, etc.) should be retained according to University retention schedule for employee files – see Departmental Faculty/Staff Files. For pension records see secondary -39 |
CY+7Y, D Note: Records are to be retained for seven (7) years. This is a records series which should be culled yearly. |
Job Descriptions |
EV+0, D EV=Date record is superseded |
Leave / Schedule Management – Leave, Sick Days, Vacations, and Overtime Records relate to scheduling and leaves taken by employees, paid and unpaid – includes applications, leave records, and related records. |
CY+7Y, D |
Pension Records |
EV+75Y, D EV=Termination |
Performance Appraisal/Evaluations – See also Departmental Faculty/ Staff Files |
EV+7Y, D EV=Termination |
Promotion and Tenure (P & T) Records – See also TL7100-15: Teaching and Leaning – Course Management – Course Evaluations Records may include current position description; letters of evaluation; current C.V. activity summary and evaluations of teaching, committee findings; recommendations of administrative superiors; and related documentation and correspondence. |
EV+7Y, D EV=When Faculty is no longer with the university |
Staff Training & Professional Development Records relate to Employee Development & Learning – records may include course outlines, registration info, scheduling, and correspondence and other records. New initiatives, minutes, course materials, may be retained as having archival value – destroy supporting documents. Contact Archives for disposition advice. |
EV+3Y, D EV=Date superseded or obsolete |
Acronym Key: AY = Academic Year; CY = Calendar Year; D = Destroy; EV = Event; FY = Fiscal Year; FR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted; OPR = Office or Department responsible for source of truth records; SO = when superseded or obsolete; SR = Selective Retention by University Archives; UA = University Archives; Y = Year