HR4050: Human Resources – Employee Relations

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Schedule Number


Primary Title

Employee Relations

Office of Primary Responsibility

UBCV: Human Resources Vancouver  

UBCO: Human Resources UBC Okanagan

Reference and duplicate copies of records are considered transitory and should only be kept as long as necessary and never longer than the retention of the official record.


Records relate to relations between the University and its past and present employees. 

Note: This Records Series contains sensitive personal information and records need to be created, maintained, and destroyed in close compliance with FIPPA.

Vital: Yes

PIB: Yes


UBC BoG Human Resources Policies  

Employment Standards Act [RSBC 1996]  

Pension Benefits Standards Act [SBC 2012] Chapter 30 

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) [RSBC 1996] Chapter 165

UBC Information Security Standard U1

Date Approved: 20190114

Retention Schedule Secondaries

Secondary No. Secondary Title, Scope & Content Retention, Destruction & Disposition


Policies and Procedures   

EV+5Y, FR    

EV=Date superseded or obsolete   

FR=UA will fully retain records from this series  



EV+5Y, D   

EV=Date superseded or obsolete  


Advising Files  

Records relate to general advice given by the department of Human Resources to the rest of the university community on human resource matters that are considered general in nature and do not become part of a formal discipline, grievance or arbitration file.  

General communications and notes such as interpreting the collective agreements and handbooks, day-to-day staff management concerns, job classification and employee relations Records may include correspondence, or records from meetings, emails or phone conversations (minutes, guidelines, formal advice).  

CY+7Y, D


Bargaining Materials  

Records relate to bargaining employee/university labour agreements – may include drafts, communications, correspondence, minutes, and contracts.  

EV+20Y, FR  

EV=Date superseded or obsolete  

FR=UA will fully retain Bargaining Materials including all signed original agreements and arbitration awards, as well as official meeting minutes  


Grievance Files  

Records relate to official grievance files brought by labour groups on campus.  

CY+50Y, D  

Noe: Retain all records, in their entirety, for five (5) years, weed duplicate records and ephemera and continue to retain records for a further forty-five years. Total retention period – 51 years  


Harassment Files   

Records related to harassment complaints received from employees and corresponding action taken. [This series documents] an internal complaint that an employee might file that isn’t covered by the 13 grounds of discrimination.  

– See also Human Rights Complaints   

EV+50Y, D  

EV=Date case is resolved  


Human Rights Complaints  

Records related to Human Rights complaints that involve UBC employees Records related to legal action taken concerning employment issues at UBC – likely a duplicate record.  

Note: Consult Office of the University Counsel before destroying records.  

EV+50Y, D  

EV=Date case is resolved  


Legal Opinions  

Legal opinions related to HR issues issued by Legal Counsel.

Permanent retention within central HR  


Letters of Agreement  

(Outside of Collective Agreements)  

Informal and formal agreements between the University and its labour groups.  

EV+20Y, FR  

EV=Date superseded or obsolete  

Acronym Key: AY = Academic Year; CY = Calendar Year; D = Destroy; EV = Event; FY = Fiscal Year; FR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted; OPR = Office or Department responsible for source of truth records; P = Permanent Retention with OPR; SO = when superseded or obsolete; SR = Selective Retention by University Archives; UA = University Archives; Y = Year