PF5000: Property and Facilities Management – Building, Municipal, Trade and Vehicles Services

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Schedule Number


Primary Title

Building, Municipal, Trade and Vehicles Services

Office of Primary Responsibility

UBCV: Campus and Community Planning; Building Operations  

UBCO: Campus Operations and Risk Management – Facilities Management


Records supporting core maintenance of UBC buildings and lands; construction projects under $50,000, maintenance and repair of architectural building systems including building envelope and structural integrity; as well as HVAC systems; custodial services; municipal maintenance such as waste management and landscaping. This primary also includes Stores and Tools Crib.

  • For facilities see PF5100: Properties and Facilities Management – Facilities  

Vital: No



BoG Policy UP12: Land Use Policy  

UBC Technical Requirements Landscape Design Requirements 

Date Approved: 20220729

Retention Schedule Secondaries

Secondary No. Secondary Title, Scope & Content Retention, Destruction & Disposition


Policies and Procedures  

EV+5Y, FR    

EV=Date superseded or obsolete   

FR=UA will fully retain records from this series  



EV+5Y, D  

EV=Date superseded or obsolete   


Architectural Trades 

Records supporting operation, maintenance and repair of architectural building systems, including building envelope, and structural integrity. This includes compliance records supporting applicable building codes and regulations. 

EV+7Y, D 

EV=Date information is superseded or obsolete (building code information) 


Construction Services 

Records supporting renovation and construction services using in-house trades for projects valued up to $50,000 organized by work order number.

EV+7Y, SR 

EV=Date work is complete 

SR=Retain final deliverables, all warranties, meeting minutes 


Custodial Services 

CY+7Y, D 


Mechanical & Electrical Trade Services 

Records supporting the operation, maintenance and repair of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, lighting, electrical power systems, automated building controls, conveyance devices, and fire/life safety systems in core-funded University buildings. 

Also includes records supporting compliance with applicable codes and regulations.  

EV+7Y, D 

EV=Date work is complete or obsolete 


Municipal – Landscaping 

Includes Arboriculture, irrigation, maintenance, Landscape design. 

CY+7Y, SR 

SR=UA will selectively retain records from this series 


Municipal – Waste Management 

Records supporting waste management coordination and waste reduction education to the UBC campus community through the coordination of recycling, composting, e-waste, confidential shredding and litter reduction initiatives.   

CY+5Y, D 


Service Requests 

CY+1Y, D 


Stores and Tools Crib 

Includes records supporting UBC access to tools and supplies; stores hardware and safety supplies.  

EV+7Y, D 

EV=Date superseded or obsolete 


Vehicle Services and Maintenance 

Fleet Management and Automotive and equipment maintenance. 

EV+7Y, D 

EV=Date vehicle is sold or decommissioned 



CY+5Y, D



CY+5Y, SR 

SR=UA will selectively retain records from this series 

Acronym Key: AY = Academic Year; CY = Calendar Year; D = Destroy; EV = Event; FY = Fiscal Year; FR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted; OPR = Office or Department responsible for source of truth records; SO = when superseded or obsolete; SR = Selective Retention by University Archives; UA = University Archives; Y = Year