PF5100: Property and Facilities Management – Facilities and Lands

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Schedule Number


Primary Title

Facilities and Lands

Office of Primary Responsibility

UBCV: Treasury; Campus & Community Planning; Land and Building Services 

UBCO: Campus Planning; Facilities Management 

Reference and duplicate copies of records are considered transitory and should only be kept as long as necessary and never longer than the retention of the official record.


Records documenting the inventory, maintenance and development of UBC owned land and facilities. See secondaries for more detail.

Vital: Yes


Authority: BoG Policy UP12: Land Use Policy 

Date Approved: 20220729

Retention Schedule Secondaries

Secondary No. Secondary Title, Scope & Content Retention, Destruction & Disposition


Policies and Procedures  

Includes logos and templates.

EV+5Y, FR    

EV=Date superseded or obsolete   

FR=UA will fully retain records from this series  



Records of a general not specific to any sub-heading in the Primary.    

EV+5Y, D  

EV=Date superseded or obsolete   


Facility: Construction & Refurbishment – Asbestos Removal and Containment 

Records regarding renovation, remediation or removal projects on UBC owned facilities containing asbestos, such as project authorization form, specifications, detail drawings, copy of contacts and purchase orders.  Also includes clearance documentation regarding the removal of asbestos and air quality testing, bulk asbestos survey, asbestos removal consulting and removal report, industrial waste receipt, and asbestos project notification form. 

EV+3Y, SR 

EV=Building sold or demolished 


Facility: Construction & Refurbishment – New Facility Construction 

Records regarding the construction of new facilities, including UBC owned facilities and facilities constructed in partnerships with other agencies, such as land purchase data, facility planning and design, design notes, copies of tenders, quotes and estimates. Also includes copies of contract documents, progress meetings and reports, cost accounting, payments, contact performance bond, inspections and completion records, plans and drawings. 

EV+3Y, SR 

EV=Facility complete and issuance of Final Inspection Certificate 

SR=UA will selectively retain from this record series 


Facility: Construction & Refurbishment – Renovations, Retrofit, Repair 

Records regarding renovations /restorations and repair to existing UBC owned facilities, such as project authority form, reports and studies, inspection and remedial repair work reports, condition survey, design notes, technical specifications and copies of purchase orders.  Also includes copies of contract documents, progress meetings, and deficiency reports, project review and final drawings and reports. 

EV+3Y, SR 

EV=Date warranty expired 

SR=UA will selectively retain from this record series 


Facility: Construction & Refurbishment – Roofing 

Records regarding roofing projects undertaken on UBC owned facilities, such as project authorization forms, budget, costs, copies of tenders, bids and quotes, copies of contract documents, consultant fee letters, progress reports and meetings, warranties and photos. Also includes roof detail reports, building roof inspection reports, CCPs, and building inspections. 

EV+3Y, SR 

EV=Date warranty expired

SR=UA will selectively retain from this record series 


Facility Operation – General 

Records regarding general cross-facility operations, such as square footage information, colour schemes, and facility accessories such as bicycle racks. 

CY+1Y, D 


Facility Operation – History 

Includes: Records regarding the history of UBC owned facilities such as copies of “as built” drawings, Trans-link stations, plans, shop drawings, maintenance history, repair records, issues and problems. Also includes  

mechanical, electrical histories and records regarding demolished facilitiessuch as investigations and photos and facility start up records. 

EV+1Y, FR 

EV=Date Facility is no longer owned by UBC or torn down 

FR=UA will fully retain this series 


Facility Operation – Inspections 

Records regarding the internal/external inspection of property and facilities, rental complexes and units owned by UBC, such as annual fire system inspection, roof inspections, boiler and pressure vessels, certificates of inspection, deficiency lists, asbestos audit testing, inspection sheets, condition analysis and reports.  Also includes inspections of major systems. 

EV+3Y, SR 

EV=Date Facility is no longer owned by UBC and deficiencies addressed 

SR=UA will selectively retain records from this series 


Facility Operation – Lifecycle Management 

Records regarding the monitoring, maintenance planning and management of UBC owned facilities, such as lifecycle capital plan, lifecycle forecasting data, building condition reviews, deficiency status reports, replacement costs, summaries, and status reports. Also includes facility inventory evaluation program records. 

EV+3Y, SR 

EV=Date Facility is no longer owned by UBC 

SR=UA will selectively retain records from this series 


Facility Operation – Maintenance 

Records regarding maintenance of UBC owned facilities, such as maintenance requirements and arrangements, schedules.  Also includes records regarding landscaping, window cleaning and janitorial arrangements. 

CY+5Y, D 


Facility Operation – Operations 

Records regarding the operations of UBC owned facilities, including parks, pools, rental complexes and units, such as equipment layouts, building layouts, information reports, calibration/test certificates and reports, air balancing reports, mechanical, electrical heating, ventilation and elevator operations. Also includes fir systems and energy conservation. 

CY+5Y, SR 

SR=UA will selectively retain from this record series 


Facility Operation – Plans & Drawings 

Includes: Records regarding maps, plans and drawings of UBC owned facilities, in electronic, fiche and paper format, such as lighting plans, power and system plans, floor plans, ceiling plans, plumbing and sprinkler plans.  Also includes parking & parkade plans and demolition plans.

EV+1Y, FR 

EV=Date Facility is no longer owned by UBC or torn down 

FR=UA will fully retain plans and drawings 



CY+5Y, D 



CY+5Y, SR 

SR=UA will selectively retain records from this series 

Acronym Key: AY = Academic Year; CY = Calendar Year; D = Destroy; EV = Event; FY = Fiscal Year; FR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted; OPR = Office or Department responsible for source of truth records; SO = when superseded or obsolete; SR = Selective Retention by University Archives; UA = University Archives; Y = Year