ST6600: Students – Faculty and Department Student Records

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Schedule Number


Primary Title

Faculty and Department Student Records

Office of Primary Responsibility

UBCV: Graduate and Post Doctoral Studies; Arts Academic Advising; Science Advising; Faculty of Arts and Science; Academic Departments   

UBCO: College of Graduate Studies; Faculties; Academic Departments


Records documenting student admissions, academic progress and the administration of student files in the faculties and departments. Includes application records, tracking marks, credits and transfer credits, evaluation of academic performance including letters detailing academic probation, failed year, and the administration of the appeal process.

  • For the permanent student record see ST6700 Students – Learner Management
  • For academic advising see ST6500: Students – Academic Advising
  • For academic misconduct see ST6750: Students – Misconduct
  • See also UG8050-20: University Governance – Academic Governance – Senate – Committees

Vital: No

PIB: Yes


Academic standing appeal procedures | UBC Senate

Rules and procedures of Senate: Disciplinary appeal procedures; Academic standing appeal procedures

Association Of Registrars Of The Universities And Colleges Of Canada

Date Approved: 20220906

Retention Schedule Secondaries

Secondary No. Secondary Title, Scope & Content Retention, Destruction & Disposition


Policies and Procedures

EV+5Y, FR  

EV=when record is superseded or obsolete 

FR=UA will fully retain records from this series



EV+5Y, D

EV=when record is superseded or obsolete 


Academic Appeals

Records supporting academic sanctions such as academic probation, failed year and/or academic appeals process.

AY+5Y, D

D= Letters are duplicated in OAMS therefore can be destroyed here.

Note: This retention will be reviewed once Workday Student is operational.


Academic Progress (Student Docket)

Case files include undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students.

EV+5Y, D

EV=At last registration


Applicants (successful)

Applicants (unsuccessful, deferred, who did not apply, or who did not register)

Successful candidates records form part of student docket above (-12)

CY+2Y, D



(e.g. Arts Academic Appeals committee)

AY+5Y, D



AY+5Y, D




SR=UA will selectively retain records from this series

Acronym Key: AY = Academic Year; CY = Calendar Year; D = Destroy; EV = Event; FY = Fiscal Year; FR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted; OPR = Office or Department responsible for source of truth records; SO = when superseded or obsolete; SR = Selective Retention by University Archives; UA = University Archives; Y = Year