Schedule Number
Primary Title
Academic Calendars and Scheduling
Office of Primary Responsibility
UBCV: Registrar’s Office; Graduate Studies
UBCO: Enrolment services; Graduate Studies
The graduate and undergraduate calendars provide official information about academic courses, programs, plans as well as general information about the University. The course catalog is the source for course listings in the academic calendars and the schedule of classes, and includes current course descriptions and the history of course changes.
The official records are the final versions of academic calendars, course catalogs, class schedules, and final examination schedules (preliminary versions/drafts and related communications are transitory records and can be destroyed as soon as the final version is issued.
Vital: Yes
Authority: University Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 468
Date Approved: 20220729
Retention Schedule Secondaries
Secondary No. | Secondary Title, Scope & Content | Retention, Destruction & Disposition |
01 |
Policies and Procedures |
EV+5Y, FR EV=Date superseded or obsolete FR=UA will fully retain records from this series |
05 |
General |
EV+5Y, D EV=Date superseded or obsolete |
10 |
Academic Calendars The course listings and academic programs/plans described in the calendars represent Senate-approved requirements and electives for completion of degree or certificate requirements. |
AY+10Y, FR FR=UA will fully retain academic calendars |
15 |
Course Catalogue Senate approved descriptions of undergraduate and graduate courses. |
AY+10Y, FR FR=UA will fully retain course catalogues |
19 |
Examination Schedule The examination schedule is prepared each term for most graduate and undergraduate final examinations held during the formal examination period. |
AY+5Y, D |
25 |
Schedule of Classes The schedule of classes offered in each term. |
AY+5Y, D |
60 |
Reports |
CY+5Y, SR SR= University Archives will selectively retain records from this series |
Acronym Key: AY = Academic Year; CY = Calendar Year; D = Destroy; EV = Event; FY = Fiscal Year; FR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted; OPR = Office or Department responsible for source of truth records; SO = when superseded or obsolete; SR = Selective Retention by University Archives; UA = University Archives; Y = Year