Schedule Number
Primary Title
Student Work, Examinations, Theses
Office of Primary Responsibility
UBCV: Faculties, academic departments and schools; UBC Co-op Vancouver
UBCO: Faculties, academic departments and schools; UBC Co-op Okanagan
Reference and duplicate copies of records are considered transitory and should only be kept as long as necessary and never longer than the retention of the official record. |
Records of student work including examinations, paper and other course assignments that, for whatever reason, was not passed back to the student. Also includes Master or Doctoral level theses for library deposit.
Vital: No
PIB: Yes
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 165
Archival Records Guideline
Date Approved: 20220729
Retention Schedule Secondaries
Secondary No. | Secondary Title, Scope & Content | Retention, Destruction & Disposition |
01 |
Policies and Procedures |
EV+5Y, FR EV=Date superseded or obsolete FR=UA will fully retain records from this series |
05 |
General |
EV+5Y, D EV=Date superseded or obsolete |
15 |
Examination Papers and Course Assignments Work submitted by students for evaluation in accordance with course or program requirements and evaluated by the course instructor or delegate and not returned or picked up by the student. |
Minimum retention: AY+1Y, D Maximum retention : AY+6Y, D Retention Note: The longer retention is to accommodate situations where the assignments are embedded into an information system e.g. Canvas. |
25 |
Theses Records of the submission of approved master and doctoral theses for deposit in the University Library. |
AY, FR FR=University Library retains Theses permanently |
45 |
Issues |
AY+5Y, D |
60 |
Reports |
CY+5Y, SR SR=UA will selectively retain records from this series |
Acronym Key: AY = Academic Year; CY = Calendar Year; D = Destroy; EV = Event; FY = Fiscal Year; FR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted; OPR = Office or Department responsible for source of truth records; SO = when superseded or obsolete; SR = Selective Retention by University Archives; UA = University Archives; Y = Year