TL7350: Teaching and Learning – Teaching, Learning, and Technology Support

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Schedule Number


Primary Title

Teaching, Learning, and Technology Support 

Office of Primary Responsibility



Reference and duplicate copies of records are considered transitory and should only be kept as long as necessary and never longer than the retention of the official record.


Records supporting CTLT’s role in the development and improvement of teaching, leadership and scholarship at UBC.  Including records supporting new course/program development, course/program redesign, and changes to course/program modality, and evaluation and assessment. This primary also includes the delivery of professional development workshops of teaching as well as investigations of effective instructional tools. 

  • For completed course records see TL7050: Teaching and Learning – Course & Curricular Development 

Note: The scope of this schedule is related specifically to university records only not instructor-owned records.

Vital: No


Authority: BoG Policy GA4: Records Management

Date Approved: 20220729; 20240905

Retention Schedule Secondaries

Secondary No. Secondary Title, Scope & Content Retention, Destruction & Disposition


Policies and Procedures  

EV+5Y, FR    

EV=Date superseded or obsolete   

FR=UA will fully retain records from this series 



EV+5Y, D  

EV=Date superseded or obsolete   


Curriculum and Course Support 

See also: IM4670-35 Information Management Information Service Operations – Reported incidents and user help and support

EV+5Y, D 

EV=Date curriculum or course support is delivered 


Program Delivery 

Includes all the teaching programs events, and workshops available.

EV+5Y, SR 

EV=Date workshop, event is delivered 

SR=UA will selectively retain records in this series. 


Technology Investigations 

EV+5Y, D 

EV=End of life of system 

Acronym Key: AY = Academic Year; CY = Calendar Year; D = Destroy; EV = Event; FY = Fiscal Year; FR = Full Retention by University Archives unless otherwise noted; OPR = Office or Department responsible for source of truth records; SO = when superseded or obsolete; SR = Selective Retention by University Archives; UA = University Archives; Y = Year