Barbara Towell, December 10th, 2024.
Over the summer of 2024 the Records Management Office (RMO), with the help of Work Learn student Jack Dempster, conducted its sixth user survey. Your responses to the 2024 survey both shapes and supports our strategic planning process. Some of the richest feedback in this year’s survey came to us through qualitative responses – where you were free to share your thoughts. We were inspired by what you had to say. Thanks to everyone who took the time to comment generally, and to those who expressed gratitude and curiosity about our services. A special shout-out goes to those who told us to promote our program through cross-campus communication channels such as UBC Today and UBC Exchange. They probably won’t amplify all of them, but we are going to try. This forthcoming series is your suggestion in action!
Collaborating with current Work Learn Student Liz Carvalho, and our colleagues at the UBCO Records Management Program, Paige Hohmann and Graeme Clarke, we plan to aggregate the survey comments into themes then use those themes as blog post topics, such as “What are transitory records?” and “What’s the difference between the RMO and the PrISM program” (a sneak peek on what’s to come in the New Year). We plan to socialize the posts through new and hopefully effective communication channels. Liz and Graeme will be bringing you these blog posts and I know they would be pleased to hear from you should you have any comments or suggestions for additional records management topics.
Got ideas for a blog post? Contact us: records.management@ubc.ca